On September 3rd, ‘2019 HWPL World Peace Summit was joined by 200 Thai students in Pakkred Secondary School to celebrate with peace performance and peace letter event. It is also the 5th Anniversary of the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (‘WARP’) Summit.
The event began with the parade promoting peace blooming in Thailand, followed by keynote speech for peace, student-led peace letters, and peace song festival.
Mr. Supalak Ganjanakhundee, former chief editor of The Nation delivered his speech in video, “Thai people should have faith in peace and more importantly the rule of law. People in this country should reject any form of violence. Thailand needs to establish the credible rule of law. It is the process to make law be transparent, free and fair as well as reflect people will. We should also teach our young generation to love peace and have faith in peace, do not use any form of violence to fight each other. Force and blood would never solve any problems, only peace can do.”
While people are in search for sustainable peace, HWPL introduced the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (‘DPCW’) as the means of rooting out wars and armed conflicts, and gained much support from all sectors of the society including high-level officials of governments, religious leaders, educators, youth, women, and media.
Civil society around the world is working with HWPL by joining its peace initiatives such as the implementation of legally binding document for peace, interfaith dialogue meetings, and peace education.
The host organization, HWPL, as known as ‘Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light’, is an NGO associated with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the UN Department of Global Communications and in Special Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC.