The Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA) has sent a boycott letter against the ‘Religious Conversion Law’ draft to President Thei Sein on 14 June, which is drafted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. In the letter, if the draft has been adopted in Myanmar the unity and sovereignty of Union will be directly affected as the constitution of Myanmar 2008 allows every citizen to have the right to worship, to choose and there is no age limit as in Article (34). Besides, the draft law will be opposed in keeping with International Convention Laws and International Human Rights standards.
Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA) requested President Thein Sein to chancel the draft law and not to discuss in the parliament session, such related with oppression and discrimination to the citizens.
The draft law deals with benefit for every citizen, harmony with International Human Rights standard and the constitution related with human rights issue in Union of Myanmar has to be proposed in future.
Similarly, International social organizations and the organization of human rights activity groups of Chin, Kachin, Karen and other 80 organizations have issued statements to scrap Myanmar’s Citizenship Law in order to prevent chaos and violence on Muslim and other minority
ethnic people.