Poppy fields in Tawnzang Township, northern Chin state, measuring about 566.81 acres were destroyed by Chin state police between the first week of December 2014 to 7 January 2015.
The police teams deployed were led by Maung Maung Myint, second commander in Hakha district, Hla Than, second commander in Falam district and Ni Phew, state police commander, said The Chinland Post newspaper.
“Although such action by the Chin state is welcome, it should also consider the aspect of livelihood of local people, who have been depending on cultivating poppy. The government should arrange for alternative means of livelihood for the local people to replace poppy cultivation,” said a local in Tidim town.
Poppy cultivation began from 2014 in Tawnzang Township. As the market is becoming lucrative more and more local people are involved in it. The cultivation area has also touched over a thousand acres.