International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) and Junub Open Space conducted their first “IPYG Youth Empowerment Project” in Juba, South Sudan, in December. The class was attended by 34 participants, including staffs of the Junub Open Space, teacher at the Victoria Secondary School, and 30 students.
The title of the first class was “My friend, Maize” which introduced the growing process of maize to give an insight into the order of nature to the students.
The IPYG Youth Empowerment Project aims to foster the young people as peace advocates who can practice and spread peace with the values of cooperation, diversity, respect, and forgiveness.
The purpose of the IPYG Youth Empowerment Project shares the value of the UN SDGs, especially “Quality Education”, and embraces the principles such as nonviolent culture, world citizenship, respect for cultural diversity, and contribution of culture to sustainable development.
Bosco Boro James, deputy director of Junub Open Space who hosted the project said, ”When we taught students about the concept and purpose of youth sovereignty projects, they paid great attention. The content of the education is interesting and beneficial, so if we introduce it to other school teachers and continue to proceed, the achievement of the education will be greater.”
Also, one student who participated in the class said, “I reflected in the course of maize’s growth into a person’s life and thought about how to express love and treat others. Other students were able to get together not only to learn practical knowledge through education but also to make peace. I want to get the next round of training as soon as possible.”
The South Sudan civil war, which began in 2013, has left more than 400,000 people dead and about 4 million refugees. Also, the civil war has destroyed basic social infrastructure and left food problems and traumas.
In order to solve the social problems and mental trauma caused by the civil war, the IPYG, an affiliated organization of HWPL, will continue to carry out the Youth Empowerment Project in cooperation with the schools and youth organizations in South Sudan.