Following negotiations between the Burmese government and ethnic armed groups comprising the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), Karen National Union (KNU), Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) and Chin National Front (CNF) on 19 November, the Burmese government and CNF will go for peace talks in Hakha, the capital of Chin state within January 2012.
After negotiations between the Restoration Council of the Shan State (RCSS) and Burmese government delegates, ethnic armed groups met on the Thai-Burma border. Mr. Zing Cung, President of CNF and Mr. Sui Khar, Secretary of the Ethnic National Council and the Joint General Secretary of CNF attended.
Mr. Aung Min, Railway Minister and his advisors Dr. Tin Maung Htan and Dr. Kyaw Yin Shwe attended as Burmese government delegates. The negotiation was conducted by the Ethnic National Council based in Thailand.
At the meeting, Mr. Aung Min said that the new Burmese government wants stability and peace in Burma. The National League for Democracy party also registered for future Burma elections. So, the government wants to invite CNF to come for peace talks.
“We want stability for Burma’s future political process and we want to step up the move. This is our stand point. We are ready for peace talks early next year,” said Paul Sitha, General Secretary of CNF.
The Chin National Front and the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) had held negotiations in Rih- Sub-township of Falam, Chin state, near Indo-Burma border in 2007 but nothing came of it.
The ethnics nationalities were comprised in the Union of Burma building process, so, the ethnic groups will not be split from the Union. The new Burmese government President should appoint an adviser of ethnic affairs because we should discuss union and ethnic issues. Mr. Aung Min himself should move for stability and the peace process in Burma, said the president of the CNF.
The CNF president added that the government should go for public consultation before peace talks begin between the CNF and the government.
Next year, the government and CNF will discuss opening legal license office for CNF, mutual understanding on travel by both side armed groups. The meeting date is to be fixed soon for CNF and central government peace talks and ceasefire issues.
Chin state government delegations and central government observers will participate in the CNF and Burmese government peace talks next year. CNF will call an emergency meeting on this issue. Khonumthung news