The Burma army has launched a major military offensive operation against resistance groups in northern Kalay Township, Sagaing Region. Nearly 30,000 people from 11 villages were displaced by the escalating clashes.
Since 31 March, when the offensive began, the combined forces of multiple resistance groups have had numerous clashes with Burma army soldiers in the areas surrounding Tuingo village. After suffering causalities, the Burma army launched airstrikes and attacked resistance groups with heavy weapons including 122 mm rocket launchers.
Local people have fled from 11 villages due to the fighting, and have taken shelter in safer locations. Some of the IDP have taken shelter in Kalay town.
“The junta’s military column started its movement through this area in Chan Thar Gyi village on 30 March. Intense clashes broke out on 31 March. After that, local people fled for safety. A few youths remain in some villages. The junta wants to control this area before water festival. This is why clashes have intensified in this area. Under this circumstance, it’s better for local people to flee from their village and take shelter in a safe place,” an officer working with the Kalay PDF told Khonumthung news.
All people living in these 11 villages – Awng Ywa, Min Hla, Nyaung Kon, Tuingo, Myauk Chaw Taw, Letpan Chaung, Chin Su, Tharya Kon, Nan Chaung, Pyi Taw Tha, and Chan Tha Gyi village – have fled the clashes and taken shelter elsewhere. The majority of people living in these 11 villages are ethnic Chin.
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Christian Churches and Social Volunteer Teams have provided shelters and food rations for many of these IDPs in Kalay town. The Kalay Township Administration reported that more than 27,000 people – 12,600 males and 14,500 females – had been displaced by armed clashes in northern Kalay Township as of 4 April.
“These IDPs are staying in Churches, bible schools and religious buildings in Kalay. Churches have been providing them with food rations,” a man working with a Christian Church in Kalay town told Khonumthung news.
The majority of IDPs are staying in Churches or buildings managed by CSOs. Some IDPs are staying with their relatives in Kalay town.
“We were in fear when we fled and were not able to bring much with us. At the moment, we are staying in my relative’s home. I expect that clashes in our area won’t continue too much longer. But if clashes continue to occur for a long time, I think we will move to an IDP camp. I want to return to my home as soon as possible,” a male IDP from Tuingo village told Khonumthung news.
On 3 April, the Burma army’s jet fighters and a Mi-35 helicopter attacked areas near Tuingo village. Burma army also attacked Tuingo village with heavy weapons from Kalay town. In response, the armed resistance groups withdrew from positions near Tuingo village.
As of 6 April, the Burma army military column is staying in Tuingo village. A representative from the Kalay PDF said that clashes would continue to escalate in the area.