Author: Editor

11 July 2011: Fifty two fully loaded military trucks carried arms and ammunition from Moreh town, Manipur state of northeast India to central Burma along the Tamu highway in Sagaing division, Burma on 7 July. “Burmese military trucks entered Moreh Town on 3 July and were driven back to Burma on 7 July loaded with arms and ammunition. All the trucks had boxes covered with tarpaulins, said a source in Tamu.

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11 July 2011: The people are getting more rights to speak out under the new government of Burma led by Mr. Hung Ngai, Chief Minister of Chin state, Burma than during the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) era. “Ministers of Chin state and departmental officials can be critical during the Hluttaw session and the authorities are more responsive,” said a town elder of Than Tlang Township.

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7 July 2011: Mr. Lalthanhawla, the Chief Minister of Mizoram State, northeast India is in favour of life sentence being awarded for drug peddling in the state. The need for a new law was stated by the Chief Minister on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking programme at Vanapa Hall, Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram.

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6 July 2011: A fasting prayer programme was organized by the Fasting Prayer for Burma (FPB) for peace and democracy in Burma in Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram state, northeast India on Monday. The fasting prayer is organized by FPB monthly by Burmese Christians in respective Churches in Mizoram on a rotational basis. “We, the prayer group pray for religious freedom inside Burma, improvement of the political situation, stability and an end to social and economic crisis,” said an organizer of the prayer programme.

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4 July 2011: Irate villagers cut the water pipe line of Tluangram (B) villagers, Than Tlang township of Chin State, Burma. The pipe connected Tluangram (A) village area in the Indo-Burma border to Tluangram (B) village. Cutting the pipe has caused acute shortage of water supply since 22 June. The dispute is old and has to do with Tlaungram (B) villagers being separated from Tluangram (A) for almost two decades. TLuangram (A) villagers disliked the water pipe line connected from their village area.

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2 July 2011: The Chin state Chief Minister has warned the state assembly representatives not to maintain contacts with the outside media or else they will be produced in court, fined Kyats one lakh, with a year in prison and dismissal from their posts. “The State Chief Minister cannot dismiss any Hluttaw representatives as they were elected by the people. If he takes action on any Hluttaw representatives, it will be a dictatorial act,” said a member of the Chin state National League for Democracy (NLD).

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2 July 2011: The Chief Minister of Chin state, Burma, permitted setting up of a self help basic health care in Mara region. It was welcomed by the local people. The health care planning was proposed to Mr. Hung Ngai, Chin state Chief Minister and requested it be led by Mr Aye Bi’s (evangelist) tea. The authorities permitted setting up the health care on a self help basis in the region in the last week of June.

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30 June 2011: A Bible student of the Lisu tribe, Kachin state, Burma was run over by a train of the circular railway in Bangalore city of India on 25 June. The dead person was identified as Hpu Ye Dwe (34) son of He Hey Hey. “The incident occurred around 6 p.m. local time, when he was heading for the reading room in the city. The body was taken away by the authorities for post mortem and they plan to bury the body in Bangalore,” an eyewitness said. The body was found mutilated, said a Kachin student, who is studying…

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28 June 2011: A Burmese national, who stole goods worth over Rs. 1 million after breaking into two big shops in Aizawl, the capital of Mizoram, northeast India was arrested on 25 June. The thief was identified as Lalzamliana (26) son of Ropianga from Falam town, Chin state, Burma. The police arrested him in Lunglawn block of Lunglei town, second capital of Mizoram along with the items. The clothing shop owner the P & D Clothing store of Zion Street on 21 May and the owner of Zodi Shoe store on 19 June filed a complaint with the police regarding…

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