Author: Editor

25 June 2011: A memorial service will be organized by the Chin Community Network (CCN-India) in New Delhi, India tomorrow, to commemorate the death of Salai Tin Maung Oo, popular Burmese student leader, who was secretly hanged to death by the Burmese totalitarian regime on 26 June 1976 in Insein prison. The commemoration will be held in the Burma Community Resource Central (BCRC) in New Delhi. The celebration committee has invited Dr. Tint Swe, a member of the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma, Mrs. Tin Tin Aung, Chairwoman of the board of Women’s league of Burma, Mr.…

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22 June 2011: A number of people of Tedim Township, Chin state were relocated for expanding the border trade road by the authorities on the Indo-Burma border. The highway roadside has households of Lai Tui village of Tedim Township. They are being ordered to move to other places over the past two months by Brigadier General Hung Ngai, the Chief Minister of Chin state, said a local from Lai Tui.

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22 June 2011: Three gun runners from Chin state, Burma were arrested with eight types of AK-56 assault rifles by the Megahalaya police in the northeast state of India on 18 June at around 9 p.m. local time. IANS, the news agency, reported that along with the rifles, eight magazines were also found in a compartment under the seat of a white vehicle by Lad Umroi police of Ri Bhoi Township, around 15 kilometers from Shillong, the capital of Megahalaya state.

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22 June 2011: Eight passengers of a jeep plying from Tio village, Falam township on the Indo-Buma border to Hakha, the capital of Chin state were injured in an accident on 21 June. The accident occurred near Tlang Lo village, Than Tlang Township of Chin state. Eighteen passengers boarded from No-2, Indo-Burma border to Hakha, said a local from the border. Injuries to two passengers were serious and they were sent to Aizawl civil hospital in the capital of Mizoram, Northeast India. The other injured persons were admitted to Farkawn village hospital of Champhai district of Mizoram, said a local.…

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21 June 2011: Over 2500 Chin refugees in New Delhi, India demonstrated outside the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (UNHRC) office in Jantar Mantar from 11 am to 2 pm. on June 20. The protest was organized by the Chin Refugee Committee. With the Burmese Army attacking ethnic armed groups, there will be more and more Burmese refugees in New Delhi. Now there are about 11,500 Chin refugees in New Delhi.

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17 June 2011: People entering from Burma into Mizoram state in northeast India are being screened by Mizoram authorities. Entry will be granted up to 16 kilometers of the Indo–Burma border. The Telegraph, an Indian newspaper reported on 13 June that the mizoram government worried over the unending influx of

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16 June 2011: Two Burmese Army personnel were killed in a bus accident on June 14. The bus was proceeding from Chin state to Kachin state, Burma carrying 80 soldiers as reinforcement in the army’s war with the Kachin Independence Army. Forty were injured. “The soldiers were going to Kachin state as reinforcement,” said a relative of an army man Hakha, the capital of Chin state.

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