Khonumthung News : A media seminar (exchange program) for Chin people in inside and outside Burma was held at Orchid Hall in Aizawl city, Indo-Myanmar border state of India in the second week of this month for three days.
Khonumthung News Group organized the media seminar was sponsored by International Media Support (IMS) in Denmark, and the representatives from other Chin media groups and NGOs were attended.
The seminar deal with (1) Current political situation in Burma (2) The present condition of Chin people inside and outside Burma (3) The relationship between Burma and the International Community (4) How to establish better access to information (4) Chin Human Rights affairs (5) The daily life of Chin people in Mizoram state.
“Making this kind of media seminar is very helpful for our Chin people. We have to extent all the discussions and presentations here to others,” said Mr. Solomon, Chin National Front.
Mr. Ralhnin, Chairman of Chin National Council (CNC) also highlighted about the current political situation and ethnic armed groups in Burma. Chin human rights issue has presented by Ms. Sawmi Sailo, Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO).
At the same time Mr. Bernard L. Chhangte, high school teacher, presented about the analysis of the relationship between Burma, India and China. He mentioned that the tripod relationship is mainly based on business interest and border security concern, not for the restoration of Democracy in Burma.
Other resource persons are Mr. Terah, (Chinland Guardian), Mr. Manglai, Chairman of Federation of Trade Union- Chin (FTUC) and Siangcungbik, Chin National Party (CNP).
The seminar mainly focused on better understanding among Chin people and to have better cooperation between each organization, and Building desire to have self-determination from the dictatorship.
There are more than 30 participants at the seminar from various media groups, political parties and NGOs from inside Burma and border area. – Khonumthung News.