The Chinland Council, formed by revolutionaries and Chin politicians, has established a new government with 14 ministries in Chin State. The inauguration took place on the third anniversary of Burma’s coup on February 1.
The council formed the state-level government, which includes executive, legislative, and judicial departments (e.g., parliament, supreme court). This decision was made during its second conference attended by 100 representatives in Chinlon at the end of 2023.
According to a statement, the three government departments aim to protect people and rebuild the state after the coup, focusing on self-determination. Another goal is to assemble a national army and organise all Chins to join a Chin national movement.
In the statement, Chinland Council promised to cooperate with other ethnic armed organisations, People’s Defence Forces, political parties, organisations, and individuals fighting the dictatorship to build a genuine federal democratic union that allows full ethnic rights.
Pu Pa Thang was appointed as the chief prime minister for the new government, with Dr Sui Khar as minister for foreign affairs, Pu Thawng Za Lian as defense minister, Pu Rohin as home affairs minister, Pu Sein Aung as planning and finance minister, Salai Cross Thang as education minister, Dr Sharon Par as health and sports minister, Salai Manna Kee as humanitarian relief and rehabilitation minister.
Salai Joseph Lalramlawma was appointed as economic and commerce minister, Pi Ni Sui Lian as women, youths, and children affairs minister, Pu Mang Uk Khai as communication and technology minister, Pu Thang Kam Lian as electricity and energy minister, Pu Maung Oo as immigration and population minister, Pu Hmun Rung Lian as agriculture and livestock minister, Salai Za Thawng as construction minister, Dr Tial Hnin as advocate general, Pu Thomas Thang Nou as attorney general, Pu Chan Ham as auditor general, and Pu Mana Sheing and Pu Thang Yen are judges.