The Chin state government has sanctioned Kyat 5,200 lakhs from the 2014-2015 budget to remote villages under the rural development scheme in Chin state. The state among the poorest has 73 per cent people under the poverty line. The Hakha Post said that state government has funded Ks. 5,200 lakhs for 54 villages in Thantlang township under the rural development project, which is being initiated by the project leader U Khin Myint, township administrator.
“The project has reached more than half of the 54 villages, but they still need work in relation to health care, education and agriculture. However, ‘something is better than nothing’ compared to the situation under the military government,” said a teacher in Ngaphaipi village.
The rural development project deals mainly with building new blocks, laying water pipe connection, water drains for agricultural lands, constructing bridges, two wheeler roads, small scale hydro-electricity units, diversion roads to connect villages and paying private school teachers.
The detailed project comprises water pipe connection (10), drains for cultivation (11), constructing bridges (10), small scale hydro-electricity unit (7), diversion of roads and two wheeler roads (9) and fees for private schools (6).
Kyat 4,688.5 lakhs out of a total fund of Ks. 5,200 lakhs will be spent for 54 villages in Thantlang township. There is no information on how the balance Ks. 511.5 lakhs is to be spent.
There are 37 village tract groups, 86 villages, and 65,970 people in Thantlang township as per the 2008 census.