Construction of a government school building was not completed in time leading to students’ strength decreasing because of insufficient class rooms in Sawrti village, Rizua sub-township, Matupi township in Chin state. The contract of the school building 60×20 sq-feet has been taken by Pu Lai Ram Thang at an estimated cost of Ks. 140 lakhs. The building was to be completed before June this year, but much work is yet to be done.
“There were 90 students in the beginning of the academic session, but now there are 74 as there are not enough class rooms and a shortage of school teachers. Although the roofs are completed, walls are not complete yet,” said a student’s parent to Khonumthung News.
The building contractor Maman Pa has asked block leaders to sign about completion of the school building but they had refused to sign leading to an argument between them.
There are four teachers, including the headmaster at the government primary school in Sawrti village, but one teacher has resigned following orders of the state government. Two teachers are still studying at a distance education centre and they are absent two months every year.
“Now there are only three teachers in the school, of whom two teachers remain absent two months in a year. In such a situation how can the headmaster manage all students in those two months. It affects education of our children,” said a parent.
Although the township Assistant Inspector of Education has made a field visit to the school on 23 September and the students’ parents requested him to ensure completion of the school building immediately for their children’s education, there is no follow up from the concerned department till date.