Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) has donated 100 million Kyats for flood affected in 9 townships of Chin state on 13rd August through the leaders of Chin National Front (CNF).
“We are very grateful on the donation Ks. 100 millions given by KIO as most of Chin people are crying for their tomorrow and facing various hardships today. It is the worst natural disaster in Chin state’s history. This contribution shows that the deep sympathy on Chin people, who are facing severe floods and landslides in Chin statre,” said Pu Paul Sitha, General Secretary (1), CNF.
Chin state government report shows that there are 40 schools, 16 churches, 28 government buildings, 1812 houses, 105 roads, 73 bridges and cannels, and 1707 acres of cultivation lands were destroyed by the flood and landslides. The total values are Kyat 10526.664 lakh (hundred thousand).
The most damages were taken placed in Hakha, capital of Chin state. Old town, old market and Pidawta blocks will be shifted to other place. About 10000 people had evacuated their houses.
Besides, a report said that it is difficult to make the statistic of flood-affect and landslide in remote areas in Chin state as most of roads cannot be used for transportation from one village to other villages.