Zomi Congress for Democracy (ZCD) will organize to hold the state wide consultation for the upcoming 21st Century Panglong conference from 22 to 23 July at Orchid hotel in Yangon.
The theme will be ‘State Wide Consultation, Chin State – In Preparation for the 2nd (the 21st Century) Panglong Conference’, and it will deals about Federalism and Resource Sharing, Security and Ethnic equality, highlighted in the online page of Innpi media.
The representatives will be participated as per five persons from each 10 political parties, two persons from each 16 Civil Society Organizations (CSO), one person from each CSOs in abroad.
ZCD will arrange to prepare the opinions on 21st Century Panglong agreement from each political parties and CSO, in order to submit at 21st Century Panglong conference as all political parties cannot be participated at the upcoming 21st Century Panglong conference without a party which has at least an elected parliament member.
The state wide consultation for the preparation of 2nd (the 21st Century) Panglong conference will be sponsored by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).