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Around 3,000 residents from around a dozen villages, primarily inhabited by the Asho Chin people, located along the road connecting Ann Town in Arakan (Rakhine) State to Padan Town in Magway Region, are in urgent need of assistance after being displaced by the junta’s air raids and ground operations. These villages are situated near Ngape and Padan towns in Ngape Township, Magway Region. Some villages have been displaced since 2024, while others fled in 2025. “The displaced villages are all located along the highway. This year, locals of Linte and its surrounding villages were also displaced. The junta carried out…

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A total of 27 women and children among Myanmar inmates held at Sajiwa Prison in Imphal, the capital of Manipur, have been released, according to India for Myanmar. The 20 women and 7 children were detained as illegal immigrants in 2022 upon their arrival in Langka Town, Manipur, and had been imprisoned since then. They were all released on March 21. Myanmar inmate U Aung Myint, who was imprisoned in Manipur, recently died due to health issues. India for Myanmar pointed out that the incident undermined India’s human rights values and, along with around 160 Myanmar organizations, urged the Indian…

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Because far fewer large trucks can reach the Chin State capital Hakha, bags of rice that previously cost 120,000 MMK have risen in price to 200,000 MMK since the beginning of the year. The price of rice and other staple foods have risen in Hakha because the main road between Kale (Kalay) Township in neighbouring Sagaing Region is currently impassable due to ongoing fighting that started on 9 November 2024, in and around Falam Town in Chin State’s Falam Township,. The journey between Kale and Hakha usually takes about one day but now that the main road is closed it…

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The skeletal remains of approximately 15 junta troops and their family members who fled Chin State’s Matupi Town when resistance forces attacked the town in June 2024 have been found in a remote jungle nearby. The bodies were found on 11 March 2025, by members of the Mindat Camp Management Committee in Sub-district 14 of Matupi Township near the border with Mindat Township. They are believed to have fled fighting in Matupi Town and died about a month later in the jungle from a lack of food and water and widespread diarrhoea. The Chin Brotherhood Alliance (CBA) and its allies,…

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The junta has been forcibly conscripting more young people, including 13-year-old minors, In Kale (Kalay) Town, Sagaing Region, Junta troops took away about 30 youths, some of whom were just playing sports, from various places in Kale Town between 5 and 10 March 2025. A source close to one of the abducted youths said to Khonumthung: “A young man from my neighbour’s family was also abducted. He was playing Chinlone [cane ball] with his friends when soldiers suddenly arrived and took them away. About 10 young men were seized from there. Since my neighbour is still a minor, his family…

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Residents displaced by the junta’s airstrikes in southern Kale Township, Sagaing Region, unable to return home are facing food shortages due to a lack of food. Since 31 January, over 10,000 residents from 15 villages in southern Kale Township have been displaced due to the junta’s relentless airstrikes, which have continued for nearly three months. “Displaced people are struggling to access clean water as they are forced to take shelter in forests and along creeks. The grassroots communities are facing severe hardships, with poor health, limited access to water, and difficulties in sustaining their livelihoods. Even though we have one…

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A total of 280 Chin people were killed, and more than 1,400 houses, as well as religious and government buildings, were destroyed due to the junta’s airstrikes in and outside Chin State, according to a report by Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA) on 4 March. According to the ICA, during the more than four years since the coup until February 2025, the military council conducted 250 airstrikes on areas inhabited by Chin people, killing over 200 Chin civilians and more than 80 Chin resistance members, while injuring over 450 others. Salai Van Sui San, spokesperson of the ICA, said: “The…

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Some residents of Mindat Town in Chin State are severely short of basic food supplies and have been reduced to foraging in the forest to sustain themselves. Filmmaker Salai Nai Hone recorded the daily struggle faced by an elderly woman living in a Mindat Township village on 28 February 2025. She has no essential food supplies like rice and salt and instead has to rely on bananas, banana stems, and edible leaves foraged from the forest. According to Salai Nai Hone, she is not the only Mindat Township resident facing such dire conditions because they were unable to flee the…

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On February 22, an international peace organization, Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL), held an online seminar titled “How to Achieve Peace: The Answer Lies in the DPCW.” The seminar was organized to share the value of the DPCW and discuss practical ways to implement it. More than 70 peace activists, education experts, and journalists from 13 countries, including Timor-Leste, Cameroon, and South Sudan, attended the event, exchanging views and discussing strategies for achieving peace. On March 14, 2016, HWPL, in collaboration with international law experts from 15 countries, drafted and published the “Declaration of Peace and Cessation…

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People who were abducted from Kale (Kalay) Town in Sagaing Region, forcibly conscripted and sent for military training in October 2024 have now completed their training and been deployed to the frontlines. After being abducted in Kale Town conscripts are sent to Military Training Depot 10 in Kale Town where they have to complete three months of training before being deployed to frontlines, including in Sagaing Region and Chin State, according to a Kale Town resident who has been monitoring the situation. He said to Khonumthung: “Individuals conscripted from downtown Kale and the surrounding areas were taken to Military Training…

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